- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 272261
- Acquire knowledge about what it means to be a Jedi, and decide what kind of Jedi you will be.
- Test your ideas in the real world, by putting your philosophy into practice.
- Does your practice have benefit and utility for yourself and those within your sphere of influence? If no, go to step one and start over. If yes, go to step one and build on what works and make it better.
I did say it was simple. However, it is NOT easy. The words of Qui Gon Jinn at the top of every page should have let you know this, "Training to be a Jedi will be a difficult challenge. And if you succeed, it will be a hard life."
If you want help with the knowledge to apply in step one, that is what this site is about.
Welcome to walking the Jedi Path. This is a site dedicated to real-life applications of Jedi Philosophy as portrayed in Star Wars media. You will find no promises of any fantastic powers or abilities beyond those which can be obtained through hard work and training. Please see our essays on how we can use the Force without resorting to mysticism.
In the menu to the right, we have a few categories.
- Home will bring you back to this page.
- Essays are a collection of essays related to the philosophy of the Jedi Path.
- Training collects materials about the applications of the Jedi Path.
- Books will bring you to a page about my "Jedi 101" book, Hopefully, there will be more someday but just one for now.
- NEW Shop will bring you to the Jedi Path Academy e-commerce shop where you can buy pins and autographed books
- Chat will take you to a link to our Discord Server to talk to Jedi in real-time.
- Code of Conduct will take you to our Statement of Hospitality and Safety
- Contact Us will allow you to send a message via e-mail.
- NEW: Event Calendar displays upcoming events for the Jedi Path Academy
I look forward to interacting with you. May the Force be with you!
Introducing the Jedi Path Academy Learner's Program!
If you have enjoyed the essays on this site and videos on our YouTube Channel and are ready to take your Jedi training to the next level, consider joining the Jedi Path Acadamy Learner's Program.
The Jedi Path Academy Learner’s program will consist of real-time teaching over video conferencing. Classes may be recorded and used on Jedi Path Academy’s Social Media and training materials.
To join the Jedi Path Academy Learner's Program join our Discord Server and make an introduction in the #learners-courtyard channel by following this link: Join The Jedi Path Academy Discord Server
The Jedi Path Academy Learner's Program is available free of charge.
Our Mission:
The current goal of the Jedi Path is to provide a resource for those that wish to apply Jedi Philosophy to their day to day lives through study and training. We do not have a comprehensive curriculum and acknowledge that there are many paths to knighthood and mastery. It is our mission to provide some "paving stones" upon the path to help you on your journey, but it is you that must do the walking.
We subscribe to the attitude that the Jedi Path consists of world-betterment through self-betterment working towards a just and equitable society with a strong emphasis on personal transformation, social justice, anti-racism, and anti-fascism.